Holy Trinity Cathedral Gibraltar

Welcome! ...whether you have been in Gibraltar all your life, or you are here just for a few days!

The Cathedral is the historic seat of the Church of England's Bishop of Gibraltar in Europe. It is easy to find, towards the southern end of Main Street, though the main entrance to the building is on the opposite side, facing Line Wall Road.

The Cathedral is open to visitors,
Monday to Saturday, 11am to 3pm.


We are an international community: come and join us for worship, whatever your own church background or nationality.
8am Said Eucharist
11am Sung Eucharist
10am Said Eucharist

Our main service can be watched live by following this link: www.youtube.com/@holytrinitygibraltar/live.
Recordings of all past services can be watched via this link: www.youtube.com/@holytrinitygibraltar.

Our next all-age service is for the Scouts/Guides Founders/Thinking Day on Sunday 23rd February at 11am

At our 11am service on 2nd March, our Diocesan Bishop, Robert Innes, will welcome our new Suffragan Bishop, Andrew Norman. Don't miss this special service!

Ministry team

Children at the Cathedral

Words from the Wardens

Music at the Cathedral

Groups in Cathedral life

Charity shop

Giving back to God

Our Mission to Seafarers

Serving a world in need

Cathedral history

Canons and stalls

External links

Craft & Collectors Fair - 8th March

Privacy notice


The Cathedral complies with the Diocese in Europe's safeguarding guidelines within the context of Gibraltar's own legislation. Contact details for a local safeguarding officer and a diocesan officer are here and on the noticeboard.


Level access for wheelchairs and pushchairs is via the blue door on the north side of the building. We have a loop system for those hard of hearing.

Keep in touch!

We have a cathedral email list - sign up here for regular news emails.

You can also see current news via our facebook group and instagram page.